Saturday, January 12, 2013

Series Saturday: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

I know this is series review is super late but I don't want to wait until Feburary to start blogging. So if there's any bookworms interested in reading the series or you just love it like I do. Honestly, I didn't start out the series with the first book, Vampire Academy, I started out with Last Sacrifice, the last book.

I won't reveal any spoilers for anybody who wants to read the series. The series is basically a dhampir (part human part vampire), Rose Hathaway, on her adventures to become a Guardian to protect her Moroi (good vampire) Princess BFF Valisia Dragonmir. Throughout the series Rose starts falling in love with the sexy dhampir instructor Dimitri Belikov and runs into trouble with a trusted friend that turns into a foe, faces drama and Strigoi (evil vampires), gets caught in a love triangle between Dimitri and Adrian Ivashkov (Moroi prince), and gets accused of murder. But in the end of the series, everything is solved and fans are bawling their eyes out. But have no fear! Bloodlines is here! Bloodlines is the sequel to Vampire Academy.

So why should you read this book? It's sexy, dramatic, and addicting. Richelle Mead never failed us at Vampire Academy and she hasn't with Bloodlines. I recently suggested my friend to read the series and she LOVES it. So I give this series, 5 out 5 Nerdy Cats!

1 comment:

  1. Ooo, I love the series as well. first read it last year. (Read the 1st one in one school day... long story). Have you read the spin off yet? I'm psyched for the 3rd book! :D
    Also, awesome rating system *o*

    ~Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts
