
Mari's Policy

Hi! My name is Mari and I made this blog because I love reading books and I basically got inspiration from my friend Sophi and other book bloggers.

Since I am a teenager I will only read and review YA books. If you want me to review a book (no Twlight) (or contact me), email me at betterwrittenthansaid@hotmail.com and if you want to see what's my thoughts, opinions or my bookworm quotes while I'm reading a book that I haven't published a review yet then follow me on @BookWormMari on Twitter!

My book reviews simply work in a perfect order. Even though this blog isn't updated very often. I've thought up of some catchy review days. Page Turnin' Tuesday is a day where I might review my current book or an old favorite. Series Saturday is a day where I'll be reviewing an entire series. Whether it's new or old. Starbucks Sunday is a day where I might tell you guys a brand new release (reasons why I'm calling it Starbucks Sunday is because 1) every new book should be introduced with warm coffee 2) I can't think of any other catchy name for Sunday and 3) I really like Starbucks).
Now I shall move on to book ratings. Whenever I review a book, I will use nerdy cats. The number of nerdy cats I use will depend on how good I think the book is..

This blog isn't updated very often. The reasons why is either I'm too busy or I'm still working on a book. So please bear with me when I'm hardly posting. I will occasionally post part of somebody's else's post but I am here to tell you that I will give credit to that person and will give a link to the full post. I'm open to any YA book you would like me to read, whether it's your book or somebody else's, and I will read and post a review ASAP.

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